This is a draft report of the Somali Criminal Law Recodification Initiative, which includes, in Volume I, the text of the draft penal code, and in Volume II, a commentary on the draft code.
Contributions by Cem Tecimer.
Contributions by Cem Tecimer.
This is a discussion paper prepared by the Horizon Institute on Islamic criminal law reform in Somaliland. The discussion paper outlines the reasons for criminal law reform in the country; describes the relationship between Somaliland’s penal code and other laws; makes stylistic and structural recommendations on Islamic criminal law reform; considers the proposed crimes and sentences; and makes recommendations for the future.
Contributions by Cem Tecimer.
Edited by Mohammad Fadel, Connell Monette. Contributions by Daniel Jacobs, Rami Koujah, Ari Schriber, Cem Tecimer.
Edited by Intisar Rabb, Abigail Krasner Balbale. Contributions by Daniel Jacobs, Abtsam Saleh.