This qanun was devised to foster and maintain the Islamic beliefs and religiosity of the individual and society in Aceh, providing legislative protection from misguided teachings. Crucially, at art 1(7), the qanun defines as Islamic creed (Aqidah Islamiah) a conservative interpretation of al-sunna wa'l-jama'a (Sunni Islam). It also seeks to increase understanding and the practice of worship, as well as the availability of appropriate places of worship. The qanun authorises the shari'a police (Wilayatul Hisbah) to conduct surveillance to ensure adherence thereto, and grants prosecutorial powers to general prosecutors to investigate and refer cases to the shari'a courts (Mahkamah Syar'iyah) in the event of a breach. Conduct punishable pursuant to this qanun includes disseminating un-Islamic teachings, apostasing, failing to attend Friday prayers (shalat jum'at) three times consecutively, and failing to provide prayer facilities. Punishment can include caning or imprisonment.