The parties were married on 5 May 2013 and had their only child on 7 September 2013. The plaintiff, however, submitted that the parties had quarrelled regularly since they were married because:
Problems escalated in July 2014 when the plaintiff could no longer tolerate the defendant's behaviour. Following an argument, the defendant left the parties' rental property and returned to his parents' home. The parties had remained separate for four months, during which time the defendant had failed to provide the plaintiff and their child with any financial support. The plaintiff claimed that she had worked hard to resolve the parties' disputes, even seeking the assistance of the Marriage Preservation, Fostering and Counselling Body (Badan Penasehatan, Pembinaan dan Pelestarian Perkawinan), but problems remained the same.
Initial court-sanctioned mediation failed to make the parties reconcile, but when the defendant provided his verbal response to the plaintiff's allegations in court, the plaintiff agreed to withdraw her application for divorce.