The appellant sought to challenge the decision of the Langsa Shari'a Court (lower court), which had granted the respondent a revocable divorce (talak satu raj'i), but also ordered the respondent to pay to the appellant IDR 4 million for iddah (100-day period after divorce has been granted), as well as IDR 2 million in mut'ah (divorce compensation).
The Court concurred with the decision of the lower court, but noted that the appellant had requested IDR 50,000 per day for the period of iddah, to which the respondent had not objected. Moreover, the Court cited verse 241 of Surah A-Baqarah from the Qur'an, which states that once a husband divorces his wife, he is to pay her mut'ah fairly. Accordingly, the Court increased the payment for iddah to IDR 5 million and mut'ah to IDR 10 million.