Aceh Shari'a Court Decision No. 52 of 2008

T bin I had passed away in 1992 and had stipulated as his beneficiaries: S binti T (wife and fifth respondent); M bin T (son); F binti T (daughter); and Y binti T (daughter and respondent).

In 1993, F binti T passed away, stipulating as her beneficiaries: R bin A (husband); F bin A (son and second respondent); N binti A (daughter and third respondent); and N binti A (daughter and fifth respondent).

The Lhoksukon Shari'a Court (lower court) stipulated as T bin I's estate three parcels of land, and as the joint estate of T bin I and F binti T, several more parcels of land, as well as a shop with some land and a garden. The lower court stipulated that one-half of the joint estate was to be devised between T bin I's beneficiaires, and the other half between F binti T's beneficiaries. Moreover, that T bin I's estate was to be divided between his beneficiaries.

The Court found no fault with the judgment of the lower court and, accordingly, dismissed the appeal.

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