The appellant sought to challenge the decision of the Langsa Shari'a Court (lower court), which had granted the respondent a revocable divorce (talak satu raj'i). The lower court had also granted the appellant's counterclaim in part, ordering the respondent to pay to the appellant IDR 10 million for iddah (100-day period after divorce has been granted), IDR 7.5 million for mut'ah (divorce compensation), IDR 10 million for maskan (accommodation), IDR 5 million for kiswah (clothing), as well as granting the appellant custody of the parties' three children, and ordering the respondent to pay child maintenance until all three children had become of age. The lower court also stipulated as joint assets of the parties 15 parcels of land, four vehicles and one motorcycle, as well as several debts owed to several banks.
The Court disagreed with the amount the lower court had ordered the respondent to pay to the appellant as compensation, amending the order to IDR 7.5 million for iddah, IDR 7.5 million for mut'ah, IDR 5 million for kiswah, while it overturned the order to pay IDR 10 million for maskan. It specified that the respondent pay IDR 2.5 million in child maintenance, however. It also had qualms with the lower court stipualting two particular objects as joint assets, given a third party's claim over them.