This Country Profile provides a basic overview of the legal history and institutional structures of the United Kingdom (UK), based on research produced by GlobaLex at NYU Law School and the Library of Congress. Under the United Kingdom's Constitution, Islamic law (sharīʿa or fiqh) has no legal status.
Country Background
The United Kingdom is a series of islands located in Western Europe, and consists of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland (1/6th of the island of Ireland). It is northwest of France and is bounded by the North Atlantic Ocean and North Sea. The capital of the UK is London. The official language is English. The country’s population in 2016 was approximately 64.4 million. The UK is a predominantly Christian country, with about 60% of the population Christian. Islam is a minority religion in the UK, and Muslims make up about 4% of the country's population.
Constitution & Legal Structure
The United Kingdom is referred to as a parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The Constitution of the UK, known as the Magna Carta, was ratified in 1215 and most recently amended in 2013. The constitutional law of the UK consists largely of statute law, case law and constitutional conventions which do not have statutory authority but nevertheless have binding force. Much of the relationship between the Sovereign (the Queen) and Parliament is conventional rather than statutory. The system of government is based on principles of separation and checks and balances and has three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The Queen is the Head of State, although in practice the supreme authority of the Crown is exercised by the government of the day. England and Wales have a combined judicial system, while Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own judicial systems. As of this writing, the UK's exit from the European Union is being negotiated.
Constitutional Status of Islamic Law
Islamic law has no constitutional status in the United Kingdom.
Jurisdiction(s) of Islamic Law
Islamic law has no official jurisdiction of operation in the United Kingdom.
Dominant School of Islamic Law
The United Kingdom has no official school of Islamic law.
Sources of Law for Legal Research
Official Publications
Unofficial Databases
For an extended list of legal resources for this country, see the Library of Congress’s Research Guide, and for a narrative review, see the GlobaLex Foreign Law Research Guide (most updated version, where available). The Constitution is available in the LOC Guide in its original language and at Constitute in English. For full versions of past constitutions, amendments, and related legislation, see HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated or Oxford Constitutions of the World [subscription required for each].