Fatwā #1: On Transferring Property to Heirs through a Will (Komotini 1986)

This fatwā from Thrace, Greece asks "Can someone transfer movable and immovable property to one or some of his heirs through a will?"

English translation from Ottoman Turkish:

Can someone transfer movable and immovable property to one or some of his heirs through a will?

The answer:

Someone, under Sharia may not permissibly and rightfully transfer his property to his own heirs, even if his child is given notice, without the permission and acquiescence of all other heirs.

17 January 1986

Deputy Mufti of Komotini

(Seal and signature)





Ottoman Turkish




Bir kimse İslam dininde menkul ve gayr-i menkul malını vasiyetname yoluyla varislerinden birisine veya birkaçına verebilir mi?

El cevab:

Bir kimse malını kendi mirasçılarına veled haberi olsa bile diğer varislerin izni ve icazetleri olmaksızın vasiyetname yoluyla vasiyeti şer’an sahih ve caiz olmaz.


17 Ocak 1986

Gümülcine Müftüsü Naibi

(Seal and signature)




Can someone transfer movable and immovable property to one or some of his heirs through a  will?

The answer:

Someone, under Sharia may not permissibly and righfully transfer his property to his own heirs, even if his child is given notice, without the permission and acquiescence of all other heirs.


17 January 1986

Deputy Mufti of Komotini

(Seal and signature)